"Bowling is healthy" promo piece
Goal: develop a campaign to promote bowling as a fun way to exercise vs. a competitive sport
in-house work for international bowing campus
Most of the creative work developed for IBC is targeted toward people who are already involved in the sport of bowling. The goal here was to attract a new crowd of younger bowlers (and their parents)—people who are less in to the competitive side of things, and more into having fun and getting some exercise. We got a huge response from bowling centers around the country!
The campaign used several pieces, including the brochure above and the 2-page ad below.
"bowling 101" rules PIECE
GOAL: create a piece that explains the basic rules of bowling to teens
There were a few different documents floating around at IBC that explained the basic rules, vocabulary, and how-to's of competitive bowling. Unfortunately, they were all targeted toward older, adult bowlers. This piece was created to present the same information to high-school bowlers.